5 citizenship benefits of investing in Grenada

Grenada is one of several island nations in the Caribbean that has a citizenship by  investment program. It was launched in August 2013 and is the best choice among the Caribbean countries. The program has as its most important benefit the possibility of obtaining an E-2 Visa to live and work in the United States…

Grenada is one of several island nations in the Caribbean that has a citizenship by  investment program. It was launched in August 2013 and is the best choice among the Caribbean countries.

The program has as its most important benefit the possibility of obtaining an E-2 Visa to live and work in the United States for the applicant and family.

Applicants to the program must have a good reputation, no criminal record, in excellent health and have a high net worth.  Applicant must show that that he or she has sufficient funds to make the required investment and prove their legal origin.

A minimum investment of US$220,00,00 in a government-approved real estate project for five years that is potentially profitable with a good return on investment and US$150,00 donation to the Grenada National Transformation Fund.

The program allows the holder visa-free travel to one hundred fifty-three countries including the Schengen area, China, Russia, United Kingdom and Singapore.  An added benefit is that the holder can avail of the E-2 Investor Visa to the USA after receiving citizenship in only nine months.

The five benefits of the Grenada citizenship by investment program are:

  • Fast and simple process. Should you need to secure a second citizenship without many hurdles, then the Grenada program is for you. Your application could be approved within 120 days.
  • No residency requirements. There is no need to travel to Grenada at any point during the application period nor do you need to be a resident of the island.
  • Dual citizenship is recognized. You are considered a citizen of both Grenada and your home country. Your new nationality will not be disclosed to your home nation which will give you a tremendous amount of privacy.
  • Full family citizenship is included in the application. Your spouse, children under the age of 30 years old and parent of all ages and unmarried siblings with no children can be included in the application.
  • There is a potential for good returns in the Grenada citizenship by investment program’s real estate investment. The tourism industry is flourishing in Grenada plus there are many tax benefits that include no tax on foreign income, or wealth, gift, inheritance, or capital gains. There is also no restriction on imported capital or the repatriation of profits and generous incentive packages exist including corporate tax exemption, full exemption from import duties, tax relief benefits, and export allowance.