Citizenship and residency programs that allow you to live and work in the United States

A United States Immigrant Visa is one of the most sought after visas as it allows the holder to live and work legally in the United States.  It is also called the Permanent Residence Card or the Green Card.   There are three ways this visa can be obtained: Permanent Residence for Family Member United States…

A United States Immigrant Visa is one of the most sought after visas as it allows the holder to live and work legally in the United States.  It is also called the Permanent Residence Card or the Green Card.   There are three ways this visa can be obtained:

Permanent Residence for Family Member

United States immigration law allows certain non-citizens who are family members of United States citizens and lawful permanent residents based on specific family relationships. The family member who is a United States citizen must apply on behalf of the non-citizen. These are the following preferred immigrant categories:

  • F1 – This first preference visa is applicable to unmarried sons and daughters of United States citizens who are 21 years old or older
  • F2A – This second preference visa is applicable to spouses and children who are unmarried and below 21 years old of lawful permanent citizens
  • F2B – This second preference visa is applicable to unmarried sons and daughters who are 21 years old or older of lawful permanent citizens
  • F3 – This third preference visa is applicable to married sons and daughters of United States citizens
  • F4 – This fourth preference visa is applicable to brothers and sisters of United States citizens who are 21 years old or older

Immigrant Visa to Work

The Immigrant Visa to Work in the United States has five types and must be applied for by the employer of the non-United States citizen.

  • EB1 – This type of visa is for people with extraordinary abilities in science, arts, education, business, sports, etc.
  • EB2 – This type of visa is for professionals with graduate degrees or people with exceptional aptitude in arts, sciences or business
  • EB3 – This type of visa is for professionals, specialized workers and others
  • EB4 – This type of visa is for special immigrants like religious workers, United States government employees abroad, retired personnel from international organizations, minors protected by United States courts, among others
  • EB5 – This type of visa is for business investors who invest US$1million or US$500,000 and meet certain investment requirements

Immigrant Visa Lottery

The Diversity Immigrant Visa Program (Green Card Lottery) allows for up to 50,000 immigrant visas to be awarded each year. Foreign nationals of countries with low rates of immigration to the US can participate in a random drawing for the potential of getting an immigrant visa or Green Card.

However, there is another way by which a United States Immigrant Visa can eventually be attained.

The United States E2 Treaty Investor Visa

A non-US citizen may be admitted to the US if he or she invests a significant amount of capital in a US enterprise under the E2 non-immigrant classification that may also apply to certain workers of such a person or a qualifying program.  

The E2 Treaty Investor Visa is available to citizens of nations that have bilateral treaties with the United States.  These treaties can be for trade or commerce, navigation or an international agreement that has been determined by legislation.

The E2 Treaty Investor Visa allows the investor to live and work in the United States as well as bring in executives, managers and employees with the necessary skills to successfully operate the enterprise. Employees who are citizens of the same E2 visa country as the investor may be eligible for and E2 visa as well.

Grenada, a small island country in the Caribbean is one of the countries that has an E2 Treaty Investor Program with the United States. Citizens of Grenada can operate substantial businesses in the United States and live there.  Citizens of countries who don not have an E2 treaty with the United States like China and India must first obtain Grenada citizenship and then apply for a United States Treaty Investor Visa.

Grenada citizenship by investment program

The Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program is aimed at international investors who would like a second passport and willing to invest in Grenada and who would also like the opportunity of living and working in the United States.  

Requirements of the Grenada citizenship by investment program

  • A minimum US$150,000 grant to the Grenada National Transformation Fund (NTF)
  • A minimum US$220,000 real estate purchase in a government approved project that must be held for at least three years

Benefits of the citizenship by investment program

  • Citizenship and passport are processed within three to four months
  • Visa-free travel to 142 countries including the European Union and the United Kingdom
  • Holders may obtain the US E2 visa
  • The entire family – spouse, children, parents, grandparents and siblings are eligible
  • No residency requirements
  • No income, wealth or inheritance taxes
  • Citizenship is valid for life and transferable to descendants
  • Dual citizenship is allowed
  • Investment period for real estate is only for five years
  • The application process is strictly confidential